Art Didgeridoo 4
«« The Art Didgeridoo Collection »»
A concert quality didgeridoo and true work of art, worthy of consideration for any serious didgeri enthusiast or collector of fine art. This is a monster of a didge with exceptional volume, great back pressure and a nice balance between the bass, mid and high tones. As you can hear in the video below, the vocal range is nice! Mid and high vocals are crisp and clear as bass vocals float out effortlessly from instrument to body. The mouthpiece was carved from African Mahogany and the bell from book matched, face grain walnut at the top, followed by face grain African Mahogany with the zephyr pattern (V-shaped Chevron's) in the mid section, with an end tip of face grain Walnut. The bell on this instrument is truly impressive and a beauty to look at in its own right. The geometric patterns created by the blending of woods on the exterior are magnificent and the interior resonates like the inside of a cathedral! Add this together with the quality of sound and you have one magic ride!
This beautiful didgeridoo comes with our aclaimed Didgeridoo Tutorial DVD. and a one hour, free didgeridoo lesson via skype
1 3/8"